What does employment discrimination look like?

On Behalf of | Mar 3, 2021 | Workplace discrimination |

Employment discrimination can upend the lives of workers who have to suffer with it on a daily basis. Workers should be able to have the security a job brings without the worry of employment discrimination. To do that, workers should also be familiar with what workplace discrimination looks like and their rights.

What is workplace discrimination?

Workplace discrimination includes treating employees differently, or unfavorably, for some reason. Employment discrimination can include:

  • Unfair treatment on the basis of the employee’s race; color; religion; sex or sexual orientation; gender, gender identity or pregnancy; national origin; disability; age for those over the age of 40; or genetic information.
  • Harassment by managers, co-workers or others in the workplace due to the employee’s race; color; religion; sex or sexual orientation; gender, gender identity or pregnancy; national origin; disability; age for those over the age of 40; or genetic information.
  • Denial of any reasonable workplace change or accommodation requested because of the employee’s religious beliefs or disability.
  • Improper questioning or disclosure of the employee’s genetic information or medical information.
  • Retaliation against the employee because the employee made a complaint about job discrimination they were experiencing or because they assisted with a discrimination complaint, proceeding, investigation or lawsuit.

Employees need to be able to spot employment discrimination when it is occurring and should know that they do not have to put up with it. Knowing how they are protected is essential for employees to be familiar with in their workplaces. Employment law can provide important protections to workers to help keep them safe and secure in their workplaces.